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Records of Vikash Residential School  Library

Total No.Of Books till  May 2020, 8000

Total No.of Newspapers 6
Missing your newspaper amid Covid-19 pandemic? Here's how business ...Newspaper Headlines: Iran's Top Commander Killed In US Strike ...

(Times of India, Samaj, Sambad, Dharitri, samnagra, sambad Kalika )

Total No.of Magzines 

.Reader's Digest: Magazines

List of magazines: 

  •  Reader Digest
  • Wisdom
  •  Magic Pot
  • Tell me Why
  •  kuni katha
  • India Today
  • Science Reporter.
  • Physics for You
  •  Biology Today
  • Mathematics Today
  • Chemistry Today
  •  Competition Success
  • Outlook
  • Champak (English & Hindi)
  •  Science Horizon
  • Mentor
  • Kids
  • Genius
  • Yojana
  • Teacher plus
  •  Kuni Katha (Odia)
  • English Today
  • Bigyan Digant
  • Nana Baya (Odia)

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